(931) 743-7166 Monday - Saturday / 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
Initial Preparation: Setting the Stage for Success
Before you begin painting, it’s crucial to prepare the parking lot surface properly. This step sets the foundation for a long-lasting paint job.
- Surface Cleaning: Start by thoroughly cleaning the parking lot. Remove any dirt, debris, and oil stains that could interfere with paint adhesion. A pressure washer is ideal for this task as it can remove stubborn grime and prepare the surface effectively.
- Repairing Damages: Inspect the parking lot for any cracks, potholes, or surface damage. These should be repaired before painting to ensure that the lines are even and the paint lasts longer. Use asphalt filler or concrete patching materials to fix any imperfections.
- Surface Drying: After cleaning and repairs, allow the surface to dry completely. Painting on a wet or damp surface will cause the paint to peel or not adhere properly, leading to a subpar finish.